Thursday, September 26, 2019

"Planting" Seeds

We drew a picture of what we thought our seed would look like as it grew.

These are the supplies we were given.

Send me a picture once your seeds begin to sprout. I'd love to post them!

Magazine Fundraiser Kick Off

All of our class brought their post card books back to day and won a COOP!  Thank you so much to the parents for taking the time to do this!  Hopefully we get some magazine sales from the people who receive the postcards!  Mrs. Seward is trying to replace the smartboards in 5 classrooms (ours included) with the money earned from this fundraiser!

St. Pius Garden

Tuesday we walked to the St. Pius Garden outside the office doors and looked at the plants, and seeds that we saw there.  Some plants said to smell them, so we did!

Class Jobs

It takes many hands to help our classroom run smoothly!
The students take turns doing different jobs to help our school day run smoothly!

Our Closet Door Closers close the doors so we don't see all of the backpacks and jackets all day long!

Our Messengers take important papers inside the clear folder to the office every morning.

Our paper passers pass out papers to the students to complete.

The Lunch Bin Carriers push our lunch bin down the hall when lunch is over!

 The Line Leaders lead our line quietly down the hallway.

 The Light Person turns out the lights when we leave the room to help save energy.

 The Door Holders hold the door so all of the children can get through.

Kindergarten Weekly for 9/26/19

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


We played a fun game of London Bridge today, I couldn't get a picture because I was part of the bridge!  When the students were locked up after the bridge came down, they were give 3 sounds and had to blend the sounds to make words such as r - a - t, rat, b - u - g, bug.  To conclude our lesson, the students were given the chance to individually look at a word written on the smartboard and blend the sounds together to READ the word!  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Peaceworks Lesson

We've been doing a Peaceworks lesson every week. 
We listen to our puppet, I-Care Cat, talk to us about the rules we need to follow and
 today he sang a song to us called "We Are Precious".  
We then passed the puppet around our circle and 
we each told something that makes us happy! 
 It made me happy that most students are happy about friends, not toys. ;)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Puzzle Time

Practicing working together to put a large puzzle together!
Turn taking is a HUGE part of Kindergarten!

Farewell to Summer Picnic

What a fun Farewell to Summer Picnic we had today!
Thank you so much to Mrs. Bagozzi, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Cowell, Mrs. Bonar, and all of the parents who came and helped today!
The students loved the free hot dog lunch, the extra games and bubbles
 and extra recess time and the popsicle at the end of the lunch period!
Bye, bye Summer!  
See you next year!