Wednesday, February 15, 2023

100th Day Service Project

 Our class collected 131 travel size shampoo, toothpaste, soap, etc for the bags for the homeless to celebrate our 100th day!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Magnet science lab, 2/14/23


We did some exploring around the science lab with a magnet wand to begin our unit on magnets.
We wanted to see what a magnet was and wasn't attracted to before we explored a container of different materials!~

Before exploring the different materials, we made a prediction on whether or not we thought it would be attracted to the magnet.  Then we tested the different objects and answered whether they were attracted to a magnet or not.  

Valentine's Day Fun

We had such fun on Valentine's Day!

We delivered valentines to our friends, made a heart craft, graphed candy hearts, played bingo and even dressed in pink and red!