Friday, February 22, 2019

Classroom Prayer Service

Fr. Bob was unable to have Mass with us this week, so the 2nd grade prepared 
a prayer service and did it over the PA system.  We had the lights off, 
a candle glowing, and some wonderful music in the background!
They reminded us to try to be a change in the world.  
We decided to try to smile at everyone today ~
 this can be a change for many people, to see such smiling faces!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Valentine's Day Celebration

The students had to find Hershey Kisses that were hidden around the classroom. 
Each kiss had a number from 1 - 100 written on the bottom.
The students found the matching number on the hundred chart and placed the kiss on it! 

Using the I-pads to scan a QR code and then coloring the ten frame on their paper.

Making a card for "Thumbody" we love!

Matching the number to the number of stickers.

Filling in the hearts in number order.

The students loved delivering the mail to their friends!

Enjoying a yummy Valentine snack!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Kindergarten's Experience with the Relic of Blessed Solanus Casey

 Fr. Bob and Mr. Tibai brought the relic to our classroom.  
They discussed some aspects of Blessed Solanus Casey's life, and 
asked the students what they remembered from our classroom discussions about it.
They reminded the students of how rare it is to have a relic like this visit our parish!

The students each came up and touched their Blessed Solanus Casey prayer card to the relic and then showed some type of reverence (bowed, did the sign of the cross, kissed their hand and touched it to the relic).  

This is Joshua's picture ~ he was too fast for me! :(

Friday, February 8, 2019

Magnet Science Lab

 Testing items that were on our trays to see if they are magnetic.  We then discussed what items are magnetic, and what magnetic means.

We tested items around the Science Lab.

Mrs. Tucker has a rock that is magnetic.

We then tested items in the hallway to see if they were magnetic!