Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Pumpkin Unit

We explored the differences in a small, medium and 
large pumpkin last week.
We made some predictions about the pumpkins and then  
we weighed and measured the pumpkin, 
counted how may lines and seeds it had.  
We touched the outside and the inside and described them. 
We came to the conclusion that the bigger the pumpkin is, the more it weighs, the taller it is, the more lines it has on the outside, and the more seeds there are on the inside.  

Our medium pumpkin rotted and had to be thrown away before this picture was taken. :(

We talked about the parts of the pumpkin: the stem, the seeds, the skin and the pulp and made a diagram.
Today we baked several small pumpkins that Mrs. Gadwell had and some of us had a turn mashing the pumpkin pulp.

Some of us cracked the eggs for the pie.

Here we are with the pumpkin pies ready to be baked in the oven!

And finally we were able to taste the pie!  
Some thought it was yummy, some didn't!  

Thank you so much to Mrs. Cowell for your help with this fun project today!!!   It was a wonderful learning experience for the students to see the pumpkins being made into a pie!

Friday, October 13, 2017

Seed and Stem Exploration

 This celery has been in the blue water all day!
 The seeds have been soaking all day so we can take the seed coat off and see the inside!
 Listening to Mrs. Tucker's explanation!

 Labeling the seed diagram ~ seed coat, embryo(baby plant), and food.

Peeling the seed coat off the seed, looking for the baby plant inside. 

Using hand lenses to see the embryo inside the seed. 

We broke the celery in half to see the "straws" inside that help the food and
 water travel through the stem of the plant. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Learning the sound of /d/

We do many different activities to learn
each new sound of the alphabet.
We use the smartboard for some of these activities.
We brainstormed a list of d words before reading
My D Book.
The students thought of 20 words that begin with the d sound.
We then read a Dd book on starfall.com,
the Dinosaur Dance was at the end of the book!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Plant Parts Science Lesson

On a beautiful fall day, we went outside and were assigned a parking spot to use as our paper. 
We then drew a plant with chalk, making sure we included all of the parts (roots, stem and leaves)!