Thursday, February 17, 2022

Puzzle Time

 These students LOVE when we have time to do puzzles!

100th Day Community Service Project

 We collected travel size items for the homeless!

The students brought in 120 items to donate!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Our 100th Day of School

 Our 100th day of school was on February 14th!

Because that was Valentines Day, we celebrated on Feb. 15.

Everyone has been busy counting 100 items at home to bring to school!

We are 100 days SMARTER!

We had an old man with wrinkles on his forehead!

2 in Kindergarten clothes!

6 with shirts with 100 things on them!

And 5 elderly 100 year old people!

We counted out 100 Fruit Loops and made a necklace with them!

We made a crown, bingo dabbed 100 spots, moved a bear 100 spaces, colored a 100 sheet, and wrote our name 100 times at Center time.