Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Turkey Trot Winners

Here are the FIRST place winners for the Turkey Trot in the whole Kindergarten!

Thanksgiving Feast

Today we attended the Thanksgiving Feast with our 7th grade buddies!
The students loved eating this special lunch with the rest of the school!
Thank you so much to all of the AMAZING volunteers who helped today!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Jog - A - Thon Ice Cream Social

The students that brought in $75.00 in donations for the Jog-a-thon earned an ice cream social which took place today in the gym at lunch time!

Still Building!

Now, every time they build something they ask me to take a picture!  

Turkey Trot

We ran like TURKEY'S at the annual Turkey Trot on Wednesday!
I tried to get a picture of everyone, but with winter coats and hats, it is very easy to miss someone!