We have been very busy in Kindergarten!
We've learned the sounds and gestures for 11 of the letters of the alphabet and how to write them! We love the games we play in our new reading series FAST! Especially "London Bridge"!
We've practiced the numbers through 5 ~ counting, writing, comparing more and less!
We worked on a fun unit in Religion and Science ~ the Five Senses! Did you know that God gave us our 5 senses? We ended the unit by using an air popper to pop popcorn, we heard it, felt it, smelled it, saw it pop, and tasted it~ what fun!
In Social Studies, we have been discussing fire safety, practiced several fire drills, and practiced several tornado drills! We enjoyed discussing Columbus Day and even got to watch the 2nd graders perform a play about Christopher Columbus!
We are now getting ready for Halloween Week! Watch for some pictures next week!